Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The New Addition

Bets had been placed and we were all awaiting some good news. Monica had been having false labor pains off and on for about a week. One day they seemed stronger, and more frequent. It didn't seem like this was it because Monica was bearing it a little too well - making me think this was going to last through the night and into the next day. I attended to Monica throughout the day, putting the crib together or sneaking a bite to eat when I wasn't by her side. We laughed through American Idol, and then started doubting whether it was time or not. We still decided to ask our midwife Chris to bring the birthing pool over - just in case. My mom had gone home disappointed, and Monica's parents were calling it a night along with Monica's sister Kaitlin. I went out to the garage to grab some tools for the pool. It seemed we would go to bed that night without a new baby...

With tools in hand I came back into the house to hear Kaitlin shouting for me to go to Monica. I ran to find that her water broke. Chris said, "We're having a baby right now! Put down the wrench and get ready to catch that baby!" I dove to my knees. 15 seconds later Monica had another contraction and Chris said "Push!" Amazingly the head came out just like that. Chris told me to get in position to catch the baby, 15 seconds later I joined in and shouted "Push!"

There in my hands was our second born. I raised him up like Kunta Kente's dad and shouted "It's a Boy!" then handed him to Monica before shouting it again so the whole neighborhood could hear. If I had been there any later I might have missed the birth! It took only one minute or so from water breaking to baby, boy oh boy am I glad I hustled!

We feel very blessed and we express our love to our friends and family who have given us so much support especially these last few months.

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